Company Values

At Steinbrecher Painting we value the following ideals:

Work ethic
Commitment to our customers
Quality workmanship
The Golden Rule: treating others the way we would want to be treated


Steinbrecher Painting believes in community involvement and giving back to the community we live in. We provide our painting services to local schools, churches and civic organizations. One of the ways this is accomplished is by purchasing paint and providing labor for projects in our local schools at our cost or sometimes at no cost to our school district. Steinbrecher Painting encourages and allows time for employees to volunteer during the workday to give back to our community. Some of the activities our employees are involved in are:

The Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul Read story in Princeton Union Eagle
Coaching Youth Sports
Children & Youth Ministry
Missions (Local & Overseas)
Membership to Local Civic Groups

Going Green

Steinbrecher Painting is committed to implementing the most innovative processes and practices possible to ensure that we are being environmentally responsible.

We use proper surface preparation and application methods that help increase the life span of coatings.
By selecting top quality, durable coatings, we minimize the need for frequent repaints and reduce emissions and waste.
We are converting from solvent-based materials to water-based materials which are LEED compliant.
We recycle all solvent-based materials. They are then used for both bio fuel and for manufacturing new concrete blocks with the ash base.
We donate excess water-based paint inventory to local charities, schools and residents versus disposing of the product in landfills.

Volunteer work at The Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul

Safety Training @ Steinbrecher Painting

© Steinbrecher Painting